Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Quality Objective's UiTMPP
  • Increase's the number of academic staff with PHD/Professional qualification in 2010 coming.
  • Aim for 4 registered research project each year
  • Achieving 8 refereed authorization and publication in each year.
  • Achievement of atleast 2 registered consultant project in each year with RM1/RMU.
  • Achieving staff participation or involvement in student activities or social charity activities each year.
Jabatan Pengurusan Perniagaan is located at Perda which is a small branch at Penang.
At Perda, there are 34 classroom and fully equipped with internet access.

This are the faces working and lecturing at JPP UiTMPP:

Will be updated more on faces that shines and brightens JPP at Perda!